Personal Projects


wirebrush Sprite
This website is written in Rust! The point of this project was specifically to use a more professional workflow with GitHub actions, a project board and feature branches in git.

Project Repo


FCMC Sprite
My dissertation project included writing an interpreter for a novel extension of the Functional Machine Calculus (FMC) to include concurrent composition, with concurrent terms running in true parallel. The project is in Rust and was designed to facilitate the exploration of concurrency through a mathematical and theoretical lens.

Project Repo


For a 24-hour hackathon, our team of three chose to build a western-RPG called MEOWDY using Rust and the Bevy engine. One of the judges described our project as a "minimum lovable product", and the project won the prize for "Most Entertaining".

Project Repo - Hackathon DevPost


raytracer Sprite
This application produces a raytraced image of a 3D scene with various material, object and light types. The rendering process is parallelised over 8 threads. Other features include Fresnel shading for dielectric material and the option to introduce depth of field to the camera. This is the largest Rust project on this page.

Project Repo